Thursday, July 21, 2022

#TUDN #WomensSoccer #FutFem #SLBenfica 9 international players reported to the team for the usual medical exams at #HospitaldaLuz


central defender Carole Costa

internationals already work

Present at the Women's European Football Championship, in England, representing Portugal, internationals Sílvia Rebelo, Carole Costa, Andreia Faria, Francisca "Kika" Nazareth, Lúcia Alves, Catarina Amado, Rute Costa and Andreia Norton (Jéssica Silva was absent) returned more late to work. This Thursday they performed the usual medical exams at Hospital da Luz and physical tests at the Pavilions da Luz. To BTV, Sílvia Rebelo assumed that "participating in a European Championship is a unique experience", but that they are now "with their soul and heart" at the Club and focusing on the competitions to be conquered. The also central defender Carole Costa stressed that the players are "happy and excited to return to the reality of Benfica". National champions in title, those commanded by Filipa Patão want to help the Club "win the cups [Liga League and Portuguese Cup]" that escaped last season.

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