Saturday, June 22, 2024

#CyclingPortugal #PortugalCiclismoFeminino Daniela Campos 22 yrs old wins the double, National Road and Trial time of the #EneicatCMTeam 2nd place for Ana Caramelo #MatosMobility and Mariana Virginia 3rd #Efapel Team

Daniela Campos (Eneicat-CMTeam) achieved this Saturday the 'double' in the National Road Cycling Championships, becoming Portuguese long-distance champion, a title that joins the title won on Friday in the time trial.

The 22-year-old cyclist spent the entire race in the front group and finished alone the five laps of theAna  circuit around the Castle of Santa Maria da Feira, a total of 99 kilometers, with a time of 02:53.35 hours.

Five seconds later Ana Caramelo (Matos Mobility) arrived, again runner-up - she had already been second in the 'chrono' the day before. Mariana Virgรญnia (Efapel) closed the podium, 10 seconds behind.


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